It’s Okay To Let Old Artists Fade Out

It is out of respect for older artists that I am willing to let them be who they are now.

No, Joni Mitchell will never be who she once was. The times she lived in will never return again.

Our youth will never return again.

All we can do is appreciate these artists for who they once were.

Back in the 1970’s, there was no digital, there was only Analog and most of it was 2 Inch reel to reel tape at 30 Inches Per Second.


25 Best 70s Musicians (Top Artists From The 1970s)



About Stoner Studio for 2024

About Stoner Studio for 2024

It is good to live an authentic life. What is an authentic life? For me it means that I’m willing to seek the truth no matter where it takes me and I’m willing to tell the truth to another when it’s appropriate.

The biggest lesson of all?

Well, it was Jeff Bezos, who stated it recently in an interview:

If there was ever a time to live in truth it’s now.

Here is the challenge you face and we all face:

“Most people don’t want to know the truth.” ~ Jeff Bezos 2023.

Jack Canfield, who wrote the book “Chicken Soup for the Soul” and was very successful in the seminar business before he became a world class writer said to me, “Mitch, Tell The Truth Sooner!”

Well, guess what?

You either tell the truth sooner because the person you are talking to you love unconditionally or you are willing to tell the truth because you never want to hear from that person again.

This is the great divide in 2024.

My point of view?

1). The glass is always half full. (Avoid half full glass people).

2). There is a life we learn with and a life we live with. (Talking about your past proves nothing. Why? We are not living in that time anymore and the “cast of characters” that were in your life are Dead, Buried, and Gone.

3). As Les Brown (a great motivational speaker always says): “80% Don’t Care and 20% are glad it’s you!”


A.i. May Save Humanity ~ There Is A Birth Rate Collapse Coming

Being an early adapter is not for the faint of heart. Now in retirement with 4 grown children and 3 grandchildren, I’ve been passionate about technology since my youth, I’m not as scared as others about the advancement of technology.

Of course, there is good tech and bad tech. Once you unleash something new onto a society, you can’t take it back.

In 1984 Pacific Telephone (Yeah, it’s an old MA Bell Company) turned on their first cellular system.

Side note: In my youth, I was in the finance business and later as an entrepreneur, I helped new companies raise their seed capital. It was so much fun, I’ll admit it! Seeing the look on the Founder’s face as you handed them that first $50K they knew their life would never be the same and they would have a lot of work ahead of them.

My employer at the time was the Orient-U.S. Leasing, a joint venture between two of the world’s largest equipment leasing companies.

The Japanese are very innovative and they wanted to give their sales team an advantage that other leasing companies did not have. My boss at the time was willing to invest in cell phones.

The phone cost $3700 Dollars (USD) plus tax, plus installation came in at over $4100 Dollars.

The phone transmitter was installed in the trunk of my 1983 Z28 that I had bought new from Clippenger Chevrolet. It took about two hours to get it up and running. It was a trip driving down the Hollywood 101 Freeway with the phone to my ear as people looked over at my car. I remember this one guy who almost ran his car off the road watching me. How old was I when this happened? 25.

There was something very special and magical about those first first phones.


It was considered by today’s standards to be a “dumb phone,” no touch screen just push the buttons and dial. It simply worked. You never had to look for a pay phone again, or ask an officer manager if you could use the phone in the lobby to call your boss.

Fast Forward to 2024

At first glance, since a.i. being so new, I know a lot of people are scared of it, not me. Maybe this makes me a “contrarian.”

We have to look at the “big picture” and open our eyes to the global population collapse that is coming. As more and more enter America through border states it used to make me nervous until I saw part one of this documentary. It’s something to think about. I had 4 children. Out of those 4 children only 1 daughter had 3 children with her husband. Do the math. It’s a fascinating transition.

Post notes:

PS A fun tool:

I asked Fotor to draw an elderly couple hugging.

Here is what happened:



The M1 MacBook Air Is Your Next Laptop

8GB RAM, 256GB Hard Drive, 2, USB-C Ports

If you read my post from yesterday and you have happily installed “Quiet Reader” on your Mac, I congratulate you for enjoying a cleaner looking “screen” to read a plethora of news articles and other “go to” websites that you look at every day.

You know you do!

Now let’s get on to today’s topic.

From my point of view the soul of Steve Jobs lives in Apple’s M1 MacBook Air.

I’ve owned 2 of them.

The first one was literally on for 16 hours a day.

It’s the original shape of the MacAir Laptop produced back in the day.

It was Steve Jobs “One More Thing” Moment!

The big shift when Apple shifted to the M1 chip was, no Fan!

If you are in America and you walk into Best Buy right now, you can pick up this original M1 Mac book air for only $749 Dollars (USD). You can always invest another $99 to 149 dollars and pick up an external 1TB or 2TB drive and plug it into the USB-C port and you are good to go.

As many of us have pontificated over the years, Apple charges way too much money for expanded storage and ram. (I know, some of you got the M2 MacBook Air because Apple brought back “Mag safe.”

This is what Marques Brownlee with 18+ Million Subscribers on YouTube had to say about the M1 MacBook Air in 2024.

Seize the day!




America, A Nation of Watchers


What will Americans be doing in 2024?

Answer: Watching their screens!

You can’t make this stuff up. These are real statistics of what is happening in Dystopian USA. So many people I network with, text, email or converse with by iPhone tell me that the “dopamine” addiction in America isn’t “too bad.”

The average screen time for teenagers
Has doubled during the pandemic, and
It’s 7.7 hours per day.

More than 50% of adults have
Increased their screen time on at least
Two different devices.

Generation Z spends nine hours a day in
Front of a screen.

Americans’ average time in front of the
Phone screen is 3 hours and 54

The average phone screen time per day
Is 3 hours and 23 minutes in the UK.
People spend around five hours in front
Of their laptops each day.

People spend about 145 minutes on
Social networking.

Snapchat users spend roughly 25 to 30
Minutes a day on the app.

Limiting social media screen time to 30
Minutes per day improves well-being
And reduces depression.

The country with the highest screen
Time consumption in the world is the

27 Eye-Opening Screen Time Statistics To Know (2024)





Dystopian America in 2024, It’s like THX 1138

The World You Are Living In Now Was Manufactured For You by The New World Order. 

You didn’t choose to live in this world. You were born into it.

Some of us question everything yet others question nothing and accept the world at face value.

If you have looked at a lot of online services like Skype, you will notice that when you look up your account, it is not shown with your name. What does it show? It shows you as a number. 

What do I say each and every day?

Follow the Politics and Follow The Money.

One of the saddest and most dystopian films that I have ever watched in my youth was George Lucas’s THX 1138. This was his student film

My point of view is that life tends to imitate art.

Imagine a world where having children is illegal?

Imagine a world where sexual relations are outlawed?

Imagine a world where every single person is on a big pharma drug?

Well, guess what?

We are basically there now.

If you can’t think for yourself or simply want to go along to get along, then this posting will have no meaning.

If you can simply put on your thinking cap. (Maybe you have one of those, you’ll see the bigger picture).










We All Self Medicate

A Dream Is A Goal With A Deadline.

It has been an absolute trip watching the shifts in our culture since Covid-19 hit on March 11, 2020.

Now here we are in 2023.

Yes, most places are a lot more open and yet there is a tension in the air I haven’t felt before.


If my sources and resources have it correctly, they may try to lock us down again. I’m starting to see more and more of the “sheep,” wearing their masks.

The I realized something that was even bigger than before.

Do you know what it is?

America Is Now  On The Wrong Side Of History.

Why do I know this?

80% of Americans don’t even have a passport.

Most Americans have never lived outside of America and have no clue as to how the world really works.

America is so dumbed down and druged down that they don’t even know what is going on.

Who is the biggest drug addict in America?

His name is Donald J. Trump and if the this ass hole ever get’s back into office the country will be over.

There is a life we learn with and I life we live with.

Take a deep breath because as God Is My Witness, we are about to witness the greatest transformation of in 2024 that makes Covid seem like a distant sandbox and 9/11 seem like a video game.

Take a deep breath, smile and don’t sweat the small stuff.

FYI: Sometimes we have to give up what we have now to get what we want later on.

Covid 19 forced me into retirement in 3 years ago so all I can offer you is my insights and my experience and all I can do as my best friend Bruce E. Singer used to say for 40 years was:

“Be here now or as soon as you can!”

My take?

It’s all perfect.











Welcome Back To Stoner Studio

I am Awake, I am Not Woke

If you are serious about being an artist regardless if it’s in music, film, writing, painting or any other form, you are basically going to have to go it alone.

Why did I just write that?

Answer: You can’t build your own team until you have a clear understanding of what you’re creating.

There is a life we learn with and a life we live with.

The #1 Lesson I’ve learned along the way is that envy and jealousy from others around you will kill whatever project you are working on before it gets out of the gate.

How do you handle this?

Answer: It’s always better to tell them what you’ve done, not what you are going to do.

You are going to have to live as a social recluse because my observation of most of the people in the entertainment game is that they are online all the time but at the end of the day getting really little done.

Over the past two years I’ve been a very torn man I witnessed, watched and heard so many strange things out of the media, from Family and Friends. From former business partners.

Too hip, can’t talk, gotta go. That was the old Hollywood.

The New Hollywood? The truth is there is no new Hollywood and if you are sitting in front of the latest M1 or M2 Mac or a super fast gaming laptop, you basically now in charge of your own studio. Wake up, the software is all available.

In the grand scheme of things, the past two years over Covid may have been the best two years of my life. Why? First, I didn’t have to take meetings with people that I really have no interest in. Second, I was able to discern how other people think simply by by finding out what they thought of Covid, the Covid Shot, as well as how it affected their social life.

What’s it all about Alfie? Is this real, or is this Memorex? Since Covid my life has become a messenger app. Oh yes, if you are like me and you may be, you have Skype, Telegram, Signal, WhatsApp, Viber, Snapchat, Line, Google Hangouts, Twitch, Discord, or even Rumble.

That’s your new life. It won’t go back to the way it was because we are now in a culture that is 100% Divided. You can’t tell me it’s not, I’ve just had seen too much craziness over the past two years.

As I always say there is a “Life we learn with and a life we live with.” What do I wish? I wish for you what you wish for yourself.

It’s all good, it will all work out, and who knows, maybe you’ll be a better version of yourself in the end.

Me? I knew who I was at 15 years of age. Most people? They never figure out who they are.

All of us want to know:

Who am I?

Why am I here?

If you can figure out who you are and why you are here you are 90% ahead of everyone else!

Twitter May Save Free Speech In America

It has been an absolute trip watching a live exchange in real time on Twitter between thousands of Twitter users who were banned from the platform over the past 5 years.

The truth is the truth no matter where it leads you.

Elon Musk is involved in a dynamic discussion with users.

Why do I respect Elon Musk so much for buying Twitter?

Answer: He put his money where his mouth is.

The reason that Elon Musk may save American free speech is that he knows who he is. So many of the people I followed who were true innovative creators were banned.

Sometimes we all end up medicating ourselves in order to tell the truth.

The next thing that I have noticed about Twitter is the live streaming from various users who now have a voice again. These are called spaces and it blows my mind.

If you really want to have more fun with Twitter, try their own in-house message management system called: Tweet Deck, here it is:

While everyone is playing on Twitter, if you get off your “Smartphone,” you can look at this:

Now what do we do? Wild times.