It’s Okay To Let Old Artists Fade Out

It is out of respect for older artists that I am willing to let them be who they are now.

No, Joni Mitchell will never be who she once was. The times she lived in will never return again.

Our youth will never return again.

All we can do is appreciate these artists for who they once were.

Back in the 1970’s, there was no digital, there was only Analog and most of it was 2 Inch reel to reel tape at 30 Inches Per Second.


25 Best 70s Musicians (Top Artists From The 1970s)



A.i. May Save Humanity ~ There Is A Birth Rate Collapse Coming

Being an early adapter is not for the faint of heart. Now in retirement with 4 grown children and 3 grandchildren, I’ve been passionate about technology since my youth, I’m not as scared as others about the advancement of technology.

Of course, there is good tech and bad tech. Once you unleash something new onto a society, you can’t take it back.

In 1984 Pacific Telephone (Yeah, it’s an old MA Bell Company) turned on their first cellular system.

Side note: In my youth, I was in the finance business and later as an entrepreneur, I helped new companies raise their seed capital. It was so much fun, I’ll admit it! Seeing the look on the Founder’s face as you handed them that first $50K they knew their life would never be the same and they would have a lot of work ahead of them.

My employer at the time was the Orient-U.S. Leasing, a joint venture between two of the world’s largest equipment leasing companies.

The Japanese are very innovative and they wanted to give their sales team an advantage that other leasing companies did not have. My boss at the time was willing to invest in cell phones.

The phone cost $3700 Dollars (USD) plus tax, plus installation came in at over $4100 Dollars.

The phone transmitter was installed in the trunk of my 1983 Z28 that I had bought new from Clippenger Chevrolet. It took about two hours to get it up and running. It was a trip driving down the Hollywood 101 Freeway with the phone to my ear as people looked over at my car. I remember this one guy who almost ran his car off the road watching me. How old was I when this happened? 25.

There was something very special and magical about those first first phones.


It was considered by today’s standards to be a “dumb phone,” no touch screen just push the buttons and dial. It simply worked. You never had to look for a pay phone again, or ask an officer manager if you could use the phone in the lobby to call your boss.

Fast Forward to 2024

At first glance, since a.i. being so new, I know a lot of people are scared of it, not me. Maybe this makes me a “contrarian.”

We have to look at the “big picture” and open our eyes to the global population collapse that is coming. As more and more enter America through border states it used to make me nervous until I saw part one of this documentary. It’s something to think about. I had 4 children. Out of those 4 children only 1 daughter had 3 children with her husband. Do the math. It’s a fascinating transition.

Post notes:

PS A fun tool:

I asked Fotor to draw an elderly couple hugging.

Here is what happened:



My Life Is A Messenger APP

Living In An APP

After the Covid lockdowns started, I noticed something really strange.

Do you know what it is? I noticed that my life became a messenger application. It did not matter if I was on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, there was no real human interaction. A lot of the time it felt more like I was responding to an A.i. (Artificial Intelligence Application). 

Copy and paste in text.

The only thing you have to do is remember that all of these text applications are basically a “dopamine rush.” If I need a dopamine rush, I think I’ll make myself a French Press Coffee.

French Press Coffee Pour
Time for a Fresh French Press Coffee

Make it a wonderful day and as I always say, “You can’t take any of this stuff too seriously.” If you really want to know what is really happening, look around you. Why? You are watching humanity de-evolving in real time.

This blog is written for humans. If you don’t think you are a human anymore then don’t read these posts. LOL.

Why Is My Life Now A Messenger Application?

Each day I want to avoid Vaxidents. What is that? It is a person who is on their 4th or 5th booster shot and don’t drive right.

Here are some things that I am noticing:

1). People who are jabbed have a hard time staying in their lane. They drift into your lane.

2). Notice at an intersection, the driver never goes up to the line. They are 1, 2, or 3 car lengths behind the line.  (Be careful, they may go into your lane). 

3). The driver will drive 5 or 10 miles an hour below the speed limit. At first I thought these people were stoned or medicated, nope it was the jab.

4). Driving through red lights without slowing down.

5). Are unaware that they are not driving correctly.

VACCIDENT (Click and See).

It’s A Covid Miracle!

9 Months Later, October 11, 2022

Life Keeps On Running in 2022.

Today is Tuesday, October 11, 2022 and nine months ago on December 11, 2022, I wrote my last blog posting. The past nine months have been truly bizarre. Really Dystopian. Not something I ever thought would happen.

Now we are weeks away from a mid-term election in the good old USA. What will happen? It is anyone’s guess because if you thought things were weird during the lockdowns, I think you’ll be seeing some even stranger things moving forward. Life is not what happens to you, it is how you react.

“If Every One Had Snow Shoes….”.